Thursday, November 8, 2012

When Daddy Dresses Me...

Usually I'm on my way out the door to work when Addie is getting up so I hardly have a chance to dress her in the morning.  So that means daddy is dressing Addie in the morning.  This is what happens...

The rainbow bright outfit, please notice the socks over one leg but half in half out of the pants on the other leg.

And this, this morning was the text I received.  Those are tights.  Obviously she's not quite tall enough to pull those off but really?  I'm praying she's not wearing these when I pick her up this afternoon.

What I cannot figure out is how he pulls these pieces together when I set up her pants & matching shirts on top of each other in the dresser drawers.  You wouldn't think it would be that difficult to dress a girl but being one of five boys growing up having no sisters I guess he's never had to deal with girl clothing.

Have your husbands done something similar?  I'd love to hear the crazy combos.



  1. When my husband dresses Preston in the morning for daycare he always puts him in his very best clothes: navy blue chaps pants, a button down linen shirt, a gap sweater, shiny shoes, etc. His teacher always knows when Daddy dressed him! And then, of course, he gets all dirty.

  2. Oh my gosh. Her tights! Ryan sometimes forgoes the dressing of EK, and I pick her up from Grana's in footie PJs. Your hubs gets an E for Effort!

  3. Those tights!! My husband does the same sort of craziness. Nothing ever matches. And the hair dos he gives her? Insane.

    1. Yea Rick doesn't even touch her hair. He wouldn't know what to do with it. Being bald and all :)

  4. the tights are killing me!!! I do the same thing. Outfits are paired together in the drawer, luckily when I tell my husband to put something on her and he doesn't know what goes with what he grabs the never fail outfit, blue jeans and a top.

    1. I keep telling him just put her in jeans and any shirt and he never does. I guess he's trying so I should give him some credit.

  5. Hahaha the tights are too much! :) This made my morning.

  6. Oh my love the tights!! She's looking at them like 'what are these?'
    Also she's so happy in the first picture!
    And when Erin choses Mackenzie's clothes, when I don't pick them out for him, she never matches!



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