We started off the year with resolutions. When I set these I had good intentions but never looked back to see if I was on track. So I did and here's an update:
1. First was to lose weight, specifically 15 lbs. Didn't happen. I did start running again and did 30 Day Shred but wasn't completely serious about it. What better time that January to make a fresh start so, check back in a couple days and see if this is on the list.
2. Become a better blogger. Specifically I was looking to become more interactive with you, my readers. I think I've gotten better. I notice a few of you are regular commentors and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I often feel like it's just me talking to myself here so when you comment it makes my day!
3. Become more aggressive in my career path. I explained I got a big stagnant in my career. It's that don't get to comfortable thing. I was comfortable, with the company I was at and the job I was in. Wasn't challenging me so I was coasting. Not a good thing especially when you turn 30 and realize, it's time to kick it in. In February, I left the company I had been with for 5 years to a smaller company based out of Wisconsin. I work on site for our client in Columbus and have a lot of flexibility and really love my coworkers. I've been more aggressive and more vocal about my career and I think it's working. I'm sure 2013 will be great for my career.
4. More organized living space. Well, I've got a post for you. It's one I've been sitting on for a couple weeks because I don't feel like we're quit there yet but I'm so excited about it that I might just show you the progression.

Okay, let's transition into the next big event. My little Adalyn's birthday. She turned one on January 21st and we had a big party to celebrate. She turns two in about 4 weeks so I'm working on details now. More posts to come.
Addie was in her first and second wedding (don't have pictures back on this wedding) as a flower girl. She did great in both weddings and was entertainment at both!
We took Addie on her first and second beach vacation and took her on her first airplane trip!
She saw her first fireworks display and loved every minute of it.
This year was full of lots of firsts for her and hopefully 2013 brings more fun and exciting things our way!