Friday, May 4, 2012

Frugal Find: Starbucks Happy Hour Begins Today

The Starbucks Frappuccino Happy Hour begins today at 3pm and will run every day until 5pm today through Sunday, May 13th.  You can purchase your favorite frappuccino for half off!  I'm counting down the hours until I can get a Caramel Frappuccino!  What's your favorite flavor?



  1. AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!THis is GREAT NEWS! My husband won't even want to murder me for spending $4 on a coffee. Yippee! I see a sugar free mocha in my future!!!

  2. I am pretty excited for this. My favorite flavor is the skinny, decaf, caramel one but I had a sample of the new mocha cookie chip thing the other day that was fantastic.



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