For the most part I think I look the same except my face has thinned out a bit which is a very good thing. I was pretty round in the face in high school.
I was checking out the Shutterfly website recently and saw a feature I'd never noticed before. Shutterfly now has Yearbooks! Shutterfly Yearbooks are the easiest and most affordable way to preserve school memories for your child and your school, helping parents of a single student, class or an entire school, easily create specially designed page templates for school activities, subjects, and student classroom and faculty photos.
Easy-to-make Use the specially designed page templates to capture school activities along with favorite student, classroom and faculty pictures. Make it just the way you want with the All New Custom Path.
Easy on your pocketbook Get up to 75% off when you order for your class or school. Shutterfly has prices as low as $5 per Yearbook, which are only available by contacting Shutterfly for a quote.
Made to love, made to last The award-winning photo books are printed in color and professionally bound. Your Yearbook is saved forever and you can re-order it at any time.
Obviously I don't run a school or classroom but I could see ordering these custom yearbooks for the family each year. As a sort of look back on the previous year. You can take the best pictures or moments you captured throughout the year and organize them in these yearbooks and leave them out on the coffee table or keep each years book lined up on a bookshelf.
Check out the Shutterfly Yearbooks directly at their site or at any one of their social media channels; Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.
- stephanie
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